Stay on Top of Digital Marketing (or Any Industry) via Curation
“I used to search for news; now, somehow, it finds me.” Ever hear someone say something like that?
Well, that “somehow” shouldn’t involve peering through clouds of real-time information on Twitter. There are already too many “inboxes” in my life, and I imagine in your life too.
That’s why curation is a huge buzzword in content marketing. But it’s a buzzword with a benefit. Here’s what how I’ve been curating.
Know how I find great digital marketing campaigns? I have a Paperli page that curates the links being shared by several hundred top digital agencies through Twitter. Each day, it seeks out and organizes what these agencies are sharing, and it makes a little newspaper for me called The Digital Agency Daily. I get a consolidated view of what’s on the minds of the creative agencies I watch, and I can even tweak the results and share it as a link, or automatically send it to subscribers. It’s like a newspaper you do almost no work to make.
If you’re passionate about a topic, starting this kind of page might be a great way to follow the space, and even to share your view of its current events with others.
Meanwhile, if you follow the digital space, feel free to use this as another way for news of the digital world to find you.