Online Law

Everybody Wants to Rule the World…Wide Web

July 30th 2010

Recently, numerous political groups have been quite upfront about their intent to exert authority over different parts of the online world.  It seems everybody want to rule the Web. Dept of Justice moves to regulate Web through accessibility standards. FCC proposes to regulate Web access via broadband, claims it’s part of regulating telcos. Commerce Dept […]

Twilight T-shirt Contest Requires Your Entry To Have Nothing to Do With Twilight

June 29th 2010

We’ve learned that vampires are apparently obsessed with copyright.  Now consider the official Twilight t-shirt contest.  Fans are invited to make a shirt to promote the new film.  Of course, entries must comply with a few rules. (In case you haven’t noticed, vampires are also rather controlling.) Here are some select rules to keep mortals […]

Unicorn Meat Distributor Threatened by the Pork Board

June 25th 2010

How to Throw and Catch the Knife of Wit “Unicorns, as we all know, frolic all over the world, pooping rainbows and marshmallows wherever they go.”  So begins a send-up product pitch for Unicorn – the new white meat. The illustration on the right shows the parts of the unicorn can rendered into rainbows (or […]

Vampires Have Always Been a Bit Copyright Obsessed

June 24th 2010

What do the undead think about inside their coffins (or at Starbucks) during daylight hours?  Intellectual property,  apparently, as evidenced by an unlikely copyright lawsuit. The bloodsuckers at  Summit Entertainment, makers of the Twilight vampire movies, have filed a lawsuit against the makers of a jacket worn by a character in their film. The clothing […]

Update: Kellogg’s False Health Claims on Rice Krispies and Frosted Mini-Wheats Earn FTC Rebuke

June 5th 2010

When Good Brands Behave Unethically Back in February, I pointed out Kellogg’s false health claims on Rice Krispies and Froot Loops.  Specifically, during the worst flu scare in 50 years, Kellogg’s claimed Rice Krispies boosted immunity. They also claimed that Froot Loops were a good source of fiber. This was something I saw in the […]

Hulk Hogan Body Slams Post Cereal For Unauthorized Use

June 2nd 2010

Yabba-Dabba-Sue, says Tampa Bay Online, covering the lawsuit filed by Terry Bollea, better known as Hulk Hogan.  Watch the video below, and tell me if you’d want to be in the legal ring with this litigant. Post’s Flintstones cereal ad used a character that not only looks like the Hulkster, but goes by the similar-sounding […]

Update on Internet Law: Domain Name Law & Social Media at INTA

May 25th 2010

J. Scott Evans is hands down the person to turn to on emerging domain and online IP law issues. He’s moderating a panel discussion with David Taylor of Hogan Lovells International, and Scot Minden of  Symantec. Is a gTLD expensive compared to Taylor offered that generic terms as regular doamins have recently sold for […]

Live Blogging from INTA 2010 in Boston

May 22nd 2010

This week over 8,000 trademark and copyright lawyers will come to Boston for the Annual Meeting of INTA, the International Trademark Association.  These are the people who both protect the worlds brands, and who litigate the issues which increasingly define the world of online marketing, entertainment, and digital publishing. I’m shifting in to “live blogging” […]

Terry Childs, ‘Maniacal’ City Network Engineer, Found Guilty

April 28th 2010

Back in July of 2008 we covered the story of Terry Childs, a network administrator for the City of San Francisco, who was imprisoned after taking sole control of the city’s network.  Though services were not interrupted, he locked out the rest of the city’s IT staff from the city’s network. After the Mayor of […]

Watch The Academy Award Winning Animated Short ‘Logorama’ Online

April 24th 2010

Got 16 minutes to watch an fun Academy Awarding winning animation short for free? Better still, for us IP law geeks, its all trademarks! Come take a look…