April 2010

Tiger Woods and Accenture Consulting: When Censure is Your Middle Name

April 6th 2010

Bad Airport Ad #537: Tiger Woods Loses His Ball. By “What you do next,” I assume they mean, “dump your spokesman in favor of Photoshopped elephants.” The high-flying James Gardner sent this image in, reminding us how overextended Accenture’s relationship with Woods became. The Accenture name emerged in discord, as both Andersen Consulting and Arthur […]

Good Airport Ad #2: Natl. Sports Center for the Disabled

April 5th 2010

Another UsefulArts friend, the watchful Dr. Jo Myers Drahos, kindly sent in this clever, well-executed public service advertisement from the airport in Denver. The visual carries the ad. It tells a smart story, has a sense of discovery and strength, and projects reputability and authenticity for the organization. The composition uses negative space to take […]

Bad Airport Ad #536: Welcome to Florida, Conserve Our Water

April 4th 2010

The promise of extensive water conservation is how this public agency welcomes visitors to Florida. This completely wasted public-service ad lacks any sign of investment in creative or execution. And that’s too bad, because, in the age of green-washing, a value proposition can be made for sustainability.  But this ad doesn’t answer the basic question: […]

New Presentation: How Web Experiences Build Brand Power

April 2nd 2010

This Tuesday I had the challenge and opportunity to talk with a team of 20 legal marketers about how online experiences build and validate brands. It was a smart room; I’m glad to have been invited. How Do You Make a Great Page? Since my presentations are illustrations, you may get only the flavor of […]

Google and Topeka Swap Names for a Day: Trademark Hilarity Ensues

April 1st 2010

Last month, the mayor of Topeka, Kansas, stunned the world by announcing that his city was changing its name to Google. Now Google has honored that gesture by changing its name name to Topeka for April Fools’ Day. This makes Bill Bunten the Mayor of Google and Eric Schmidt the CEO of Topeka, Inc. Of course, […]

April Fools’ Day Joke’s On Twitter: New Design Hacked With Porn

April 1st 2010

Just yesterday CNET featured Twitter’s roll-out of its homepage, which has been redesigned for newbies.  One of the new features is a built-in view of the Tweetstream of a popular keyword. When I logged in this morning, the featured word was “Moscow” — but all the Tweets it featured were pornographic images. This may have […]