October 11th 2009
When the government tells someone to shut up, we call it censorship and the First Amendment requires the government to defend its regulation. But what if the government just says, “Shhhh… could you please turn that down?” Rep. Anna Eshoo’s Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act (HR 1084) would do just that: require the FCC to issue […]
October 8th 2009
Online Marketers Who Collect Visitor Data Are Potential Targets of Regulation in 2010. Law and health care practices are required to protect personally identifiable information (PII). However, in many cases they are encouraged to circulate so-called anonymous data. It turns out the distinction between the anonymous and the personally identifiable isn’t all that real. Latanya […]
October 2nd 2009
Otis Maxwell is a copywriter who likes to mouth off on marketing, technology, and food. He’s also a great creative. Last week he asked me what was on my short list of projects, and to my surprise I immediately said “Creative briefs.” After all, they really are what keeps chaos at bay, and more importantly, they […]
September 30th 2009
Okay, listening to myself on the radio gives me hives. I sound like the Sunday school teacher, even talking lead gen, which in my book is a blood sport. I’m much more hyper selling these ideas in person. Still, thanks to Debbie, the conversation was like being at a dinner party. And I did eventually […]
September 25th 2009
This morning I visited the DMA of Northern California to offer some thoughts for a round table discussion on the Four Emerging Pillars of Digital Marketing. I appreciated hearing about the projects and challenges group members are taking on, and to share some of what we’re up to at Sokolove Law. We got on to […]
September 24th 2009
The best business book I’ve read this year is The Shift, by M. Scott Davis. If you’re responsible for driving the vision of marketing, here’s a deep dive on business leadership from the CMO chair. It describes the executive orientation necessary to make marketing responsible for revenue growth. It advises marketing executives how to transform […]
September 22nd 2009
Many marketers are neglecting an integral part of their business: the lead-to-revenue process. Marketing departments tend to do what they’re good at. Making the case for more top-line spend on traffic is something marketers like to do. And good spending will generate ROI. However, many marketing departments ignore the bottom of the lead funnel. This […]
September 14th 2009
We’ve all probably caught some great ideas through conferences and meetings with others in our field. Sometimes we even meet people who later become colleagues, clients, and friends. The week of Sept. 20th, I’ll be on the West Coast to speak at three conferences. Being asked to give a presentation on something sure motivates me to learn […]
September 10th 2009
Finding videos via search isn’t new, but playing them inside ad listings is. For example, if you enter the word “Fame” in Google, you may have the option to play the movie trailer, which will roll surrounded by all the other search results. Google expects increasing video in ad results. This gets searchers to video […]
September 2nd 2009
Dave Wieneke’s mantra for consumer marketing: “Reading is for suckers” Nowhere is this more true than when lawyers sell their own expertise. By nature, lawyers write in legalese. It’s their training. I offer that legal writing and copy writing use opposite muscle groups. However, when lawyers speak, they phrase things in ways that connect with […]