Online Law

New York Announces Digital Roadmap. Will Massachusetts Lead, Follow or Abdicate?

May 17th 2011

Tonight, a few of us here in Massachusetts are having a discussion about what industry and government groups can do to Fuel Massachusett’s Digital Economy. As New York kicked off their plan to be the World’s leading digital city yesterday, its time to ask what role Boston and Massachusetts aspire to in the digital economy.

Are You Ready for the US Government as the Arbiter of Trust and Privacy?

April 22nd 2011

Not all nations spy on their people without court orders, but the Washington does. In in my mind, this excludes them from the privacy and trust business. And there are good reasons to be skeptical of Washington’s new approach to national online identity management.

Jesse Jackson Jr.’s Hypocrisy and Digital Marketing’s Naivete

April 19th 2011

Before Jesse Jackson Jr. blamed unemployment on the iPad, he proposed a constitutional amendment to give an iPod and laptop to every student in the US. Digital marketers, meet your future regulator.

The Best Social Media Policy Guidelines May Be From Oz

April 7th 2011

If anyone can get social media policy right, it will be the Australians. The Australian state of Victoria may have set a new gold standard for rolling out a social media policy. Take a look.

Steal this Blog Post (While You Still Can)

January 17th 2011

In just a few years I think geeks will look back to 2010 like hippies recall the bashes of the halcyon late sixties. Here are 5 things I think you’ll miss about 2010 in 2015.

Democrats Free Speech Power Grab: Is Your Blog a Press or a Public Accommodation?

January 9th 2011

Life is metaphors, I live on them. And so does the law, when it comes to the digital world. Obama officials claim your online life is a “public accomodation” like a restroom (so it can be regulated). But I say that parts of our online lives are form more like virtual presses. And presses are protected because the lead to unfettered speech.

Nationalism and Your Personal Life: How Privacy Will Reach Its Market Inflection

December 7th 2010

Would you be reluctant participate in a social network that provides backdoor access to a foreign intelligence agency? Consider that the rest of the world already is, and that every government is asking for just such access to services running in their jurisdictions. Nationalism brings a whole new gravitas to personal privacy, and foreign debt.

Is WikiLeaks Ethical, Criminal, or an Immune Nuisance?

December 3rd 2010

Washington politicians are falling over each other to establish who can be the most bombastic about WikiLeaks. But is there a crime or ethical offense the website is guilty of?

Why Is Google Stalking My Friend Anna Bolotovsky? (Litigators,Take Note)

November 29th 2010

Has Google made a privacy slip-up? Imagine finding your real gmail use portrayed on CNN. No matter what terms of use say, isn’t privacy inherent to providing a suitable email service?

Terry Childs, SF’s Rogue Network Engineer, Sentenced to 4 Years

August 11th 2010

Judge Teri Jackson sentenced Terry Childs to 4 years in prison last week. Childs took sole control of San Francisco’s city network for nearly two weeks claiming he was the only person certified for such access.  He eventually provided administrative access to the mayor who negotiated with Childs after his arrest. Childs will next receive […]