June 24th 2012
Amanda Palmer’s Kickstarter triumph is awesome-ball cool, but it’s just the start. The real magic is what you can do with a business model based on fan love.
February 13th 2012
The smart crowd’s fixation on the next big thing, and managers’ fear of picking just one shot and saying no to the rest, creates a failure loop. After all, betting on all the roulette squares guarantees long-term losses.
May 17th 2011
Tonight, a few of us here in Massachusetts are having a discussion about what industry and government groups can do to Fuel Massachusett’s Digital Economy. As New York kicked off their plan to be the World’s leading digital city yesterday, its time to ask what role Boston and Massachusetts aspire to in the digital economy.
April 19th 2011
Before Jesse Jackson Jr. blamed unemployment on the iPad, he proposed a constitutional amendment to give an iPod and laptop to every student in the US. Digital marketers, meet your future regulator.
April 1st 2011
Google +1 is a critical priority to Google. Here’s why this still thin beta may still be the biggest shift of the year in search marketing. Spoiler alert: I see this as the gating event for repackaging Google’s many services as to a social network. And that’s a pretty great idea.
March 10th 2011
Just as the browser obsoleted AOL’s walled garden of content, the application experience is replacing the web page. And its about time…
January 25th 2011
At first social media looked like a pathway to “hyper-empowered” consumers. But as corporations get good at social, their automation, analytics and use of personal data will produced “hyper-empowered” marketers. Once “brand you” has a valuation, the big brands will make their own influence markets.
January 21st 2011
Let’s face it well-placed warrior could probably do more damage with a screwdriver then I could with a whole crate of explosives. Read how digital strategy and having the right people are prerequisites for planning your marketing technology approach.
December 19th 2010
Solitude – something freely available to everyone – seems rarer than all our hand-held technical marvels made of the most exotic materials on earth. A look at our digital lives, the night, and why we’re better for occasionally departing from the social stream.
October 21st 2010
The Boston area had as many featured firms as the whole state of California, and more than New York. Per capita, we’re a digital marketing hive.