2019-2020 Hospital Digital Index wins four industry awards

Tonight the New England Society for Healthcare Communicators (Neshco) awarded the HDX-15 report their coveted gold Lamplighter Award.

This recognition by leaders in healthcare marketing and public relations means so much to everone on Connective DX’s healthcare team, who have taken up this reasearch as a way to enrich the communities of experts we learn from all year.

This, our third year of research, considered how social change is evident among all of the top 15 hospital’s digital brands. Many of the hospitals we feature have confronted violence, the effects of inequality, the shifting federal role in healthcare, and changes in their own mission with the rise of population health. This led us to talk to heads of brand, chief diversity officers, innovation teams and to renew relationships across the industryh to understand how these changes came about.

It is unusual to even once see an agency have its work recognized directly, rather than through shared efforts with clients. So, its notable that this is the fourth such award for Connective DX in as many months. Few are writing about the growing role of diversity in healthcare branding, and the need for hospital’s to be contribute economically and socially in the communities the serve and draw support from.

Along with Neshco, the 2019-20 Hospital Digital Index Report has also received acolades from the 36th Annual Healthcare Advertising Awards, the Academy of Interactive & Visual Arts Communicator award, and the Aster Awards Gold prize for excellence in healthcare advertising. We published ideas we hoped would encourage progress in the industry we love and share — so awards like these, and the knowledge and relationships that come of this work confirm we’re connecting as we hoped.

None of this would have been possible without UX expert Jim Coleman, creative design of Lindsey Daniels and Patrick Craig, editorial development by Fawn Fitter and Steve Singer, and the vision and commitment Jeff Cram has brought to this work for three years. Thanks everyone, for what is standing up as remarkable work.


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