June 20th 2015
Knowing what you’re remarkable at allows for gutsy decisions — which this is both for Target and CVS. This sets Target up for recovery, and CVS to continue its growth in to being a national pharmacy leader.
June 15th 2015
The Apple Watch is a watershed product because it is a masterful consumerization of technology, and it begins to show how industries and our lives may change living among an Internet of Things.
February 9th 2015
Phone companies have helped to put laws on near 20 states books to stop cities from providing fast, publicly-owned Internet access. Last month President Obama proposed that the FCC to strike down these rules, and guess who is fighting to block it?
February 2nd 2015
Nationwide insurance ran an ad that children die of preventable accidents couldn’t have been worse placed without being a parody. The sad thing is their long form ad (not aired on the Bowl) got it right.
February 1st 2015
Budweiser sponsors the NFL, a branded suite in a bordello and ads that sell their values but not their beer. This is how a half billion dollar ad budget ends up getting only a reported 4% share of drinkers 21 – 27. What’s up with that?
January 19th 2015
What is it about the human mind that makes it so attracted to the simplicity of rankings? Consider the case of Shimer College, and what happened when it was “objectively” named the worst college in America. And how intellectually bankrupt most college rankings turn out to be.
January 11th 2015
The idea that planning a two week party for nine years will somehow better our focus Boston’s civic efforts that responding to real needs is at once the most optimistic and cynical gambit imaginable.
December 30th 2014
As we sit here hungry for the brief pause between years, here are a dozen or so great starting points for setting your digital course over the next year.
December 21st 2014
When Russian bankers met Monday night and decided to raise their interest rates to 17% in a surprise move, it was the equivalent to a yelled message in which the only word one can understand is “run”. No further interpretation is needed.
November 23rd 2014
Google reconsiders doing business in Chiga, and the EU wonders aloud about breaking Google up. Amazon readies to enter the travel biz, US TV focuses on shows that translate globally, and Netflix pursues the “old people” demographic.