September 16th 2008
I’ve previously blogged here about the economics of scalping, and my belief that anti-scalping laws prevent beneficial markets. So, I’m glad to see Stub Hub win a case which sets a precident for it to receive protection as an online service. In January a class action law suit was brought against Stub Hub and its owner […]
September 13th 2008
This morning at about 12:30am a series a failures occurred in our primary database. Over the next twelve hours, site functioning was restored by the efforts of our WordPress consultant, Michael D. Pollock of Solostream, and contributing author Brandon Lovested. Their troubleshooting, and support form AN hosting restored site functioning making this an interruption an […]
September 11th 2008
Blawg Review #176 is all about legal literacy. Its host, Hanna Hasl-Kelchner, put together a fantastic array of ways in which the law and literacy are in play. Our forum was recognized for its coverage of an effort to educate kids about copyright law with court-distributed materials that were shockingly in error about the application […]
September 10th 2008
Google may give Wikipedia lots of authority, but don’t count on that to help in the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals. An immigration case appealed there hinged on the authority of a personal identification document, for which the feds used evidence from Wikipedia to determine that it did not meet its standards. Unfortunately for DHS, using […]
September 9th 2008
China’s noseless censor-mascots are back, and this time they’ve confiscated Microsoft’s Internet Explorer logo in their quest to intimidate Chinese net users. It’s being used on the very front page of the Xiamen Cyberpolice’s site. Can you imagine what their request for permission to use this iconic logo might sound like? “We’d like to take […]
September 8th 2008
There are lots of signs that the patent system needs reform. Have you noticed that some IP lawyers are now filing their own patents, and forming shell companies which exist only to generate lawsuits? Many writers have alarming stories about why IP law reform is needed. However, here is an eminently readable macro-analysis of issues […]
September 7th 2008
Wylie Gustafson’s famous Yahoo yodel has been named the first soundmark in India. India defines a trademark as “a mark capable of being represented graphically and which is capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one person to those of others.” Yahoo used musical notation in its application to represent its famous “Yahoo” yodel. […]
September 6th 2008
Jeff Ooi gained notoriety by writing a daily Malaysian political blog. Like a lot of bloggers, he poured hours of personal time into it every day. Along the way, he exposed corruption and found a voice for demanding more competent government. Last March he posted a banner ad on his site: “Get a Blogger Into Parliment.” […]
September 5th 2008
Give Food to the Hungry by Answering Vocabulary Questions The World Food Programme has recognized the website Free Rice for generating enough support to feed two million people per day. The ad-driven site offers a range of games, but instead of scoring points, participants score grains of rice to be donated by the site’s sponsors. […]
September 4th 2008
Target has settled a class action lawsuit from the The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) by agreeing to pay $6 million in damages, and to pay the organization to supervise efforts to make its website more accessible to the visually impaired. Previous court rulings had established that that ADA did not extend to stores’ […]