January 29th 2010
A call for insights & authors. We’re calling on you, our blog’s readers to help select the top online law issues you face today, and to describe what you see ahead. Dave Wieneke fills in the details in video above. We’d like to hear from you by email at “strategy2.0″ at “gmail.com“. Starting next week […]
January 26th 2010
AdAge proclaimed Clorox’s move to hire a social media attorney as “Testament to the Importance of Twitter and Facebook“. Like much of traditional ad media, AdAge is rushing to show it gets social media and is relevant. This made quite a forward-looking headline, but the joke is on AdAge. Clorox scored some free ink, while […]
January 25th 2010
Legal Marketing articles describe marketing with social media in vague terms. “Start a blog”, “listen”, “create good content”. This isn’t new stuff, heck, over the weekend even the Pope told Priests to Blog. Its time to get real about social media and law firm marketing. So here are seven meaty examples of one law firm, […]
January 23rd 2010
My still germinating collection of 2010 predictions will have to include one of this blogs repeated themes, the impending rise of regulation of digital marketing. (See my post “Regulation is Headed Toward Digital Marketing, Do Something.“) Now that the FTC has staked out a requirement for bloggers to prevent the false appearance of independence if […]
January 20th 2010
A few years ago I showed my wife a t-shirt from Marketo, the San Mateo-based lead generation company. They were revolutionary, and to underscore that they had a manifesto, and their shirt featured an image of Che Guevara. My wife is a marketer who has lived in Central America; she immediately noted the use of […]
January 19th 2010
We rarely get to see the inner workings of adult websites. Without a doubt, their innovations include a host of illegal and/or immoral behaviors that have been challenges to society. But I also can’t deny that the business of adult websites has driven innovations in technology ( e-commerce and online video) and process (subscription sales […]
January 18th 2010
Even though I’ve made fun of their airport ads, Zappos absolutely knows how to sell shoes. Now, according to Business Week, it’s hoping to profit from people’s fascination with its friendly, antics-filled business model. After all, if an entrepreneur creates a successful business, why not sell the concept to other entrepreneurs interested in starting up […]
January 15th 2010
This evening, Facebook rolled out a feature that lets users repost each other ’s shared items, with a “via” link attached for attribution back to your friend. All you do is find a posted item in your news feed and click “share” as shown to the right just below my post. This adds a post […]
January 13th 2010
Back in 2007, I suggested that snitching was one of the killer apps of Web 2.0. Since then, WikiLeaks.org, the site for snitching secrets about governments and corporations, has been a success. How do you measure success? Perhaps by the zeal with which legislators seek to investigate the website. Of course, judges have quickly raised […]
December 31st 2009
Last month I went way off-topic to berate the British Biscuit Threat Index, and to stake out D.H. Lawrence’s premise that comparatively “the American soul is hard, isolate, stoic and a killer. It has never yet melted.” Consider, if you will: The British food chain, Asda, has begun printing the warning “contains milk” on its […]