Delighting Kids in Childrens Hospitals: A Valentine for Creative Caregivers

February 14th 2017

Kids have to be kids, even in the hospital. Doctors, parents, friends and even other patients who act on this impulse, create amazing moments – and telling their story to bring out our better angels for Valentines Day seems like a good way to keep the holiday. Check it out, this could start a new Valentine’s day tradition.

Making the NY Times and Nordstrom Great Again: When Trump Attacks Do His Targets Profit?

February 10th 2017

On Wednesday, President Trump berated Nordstrom for dropping Presidential daughter, Ivanka Trump’s clothing line from their shelves. As the Seattle Times reported, there was a brief dip followed by a 4% rally. And while you can chalk this up to Nordstrom stores being located in Democratic strong holds, or liberal investors allocating with their politics, […]

Guest teaching digital media management at Northeastern University

February 2nd 2017

Tonight, I kick off two weeks guest lecturing at Northeastern University’s graduate course in media industry management. James Gardner has pulled an amazing line-up of guest teachers together – which you can lean more about here.

Strategic Change is a Value Judgement: Insights for Digital Transformation Leaders

January 21st 2017

Not all change is wise, but nearly all change is resisted. To overcome organizational inertia and lead the way to transformation, you may need the strategic clarity that only the delete key can deliver. Here are some tips from from the front lines of digital consulting on creating alignment for change.

Respect the unexpected: President Trump and asterisk-shaped disruptors

January 20th 2017

The asterisk hangs unspoken above the rest of language. Hiding truth in contracts, tainting sports statistics by its appearance and warning that your mileage my vary. This is a not that serious case for innovation leaders to be more like the asterisk than the capital T.

Facebook Live Makes Personal Video Must See TV for Healthcare Marketers

January 4th 2017

As published by the Society for Healthcare Strategy and Market Development. Take a look: The Mayo Clinic, UNC Healthcare, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Ohio St University Wexner Medical Center – along with a few healthcare luminaries are all saying that personal video is now very much on the table for healthcare marketing.

Pharma Marketing May Be Ready for Small Steps with Facebook Live

December 14th 2016

Beth Snyder Bulik at Fierce Pharma and I recently discussed ways pharmaceutical marketers can take initial steps with personal video.

Free Webinar Tuesday: Scoring Patient Experience On The Top US Hospitals’ Websites

November 13th 2016

The Society for Healthcare Strategy and Market Development is hosting a free educational webcast featuring my friend Jared Johnson of Phoenix Children’s Hospital and me discussing the Hospital Digital eXperience (HDX) Index — and how to use baselining to prioritize your digital road map.

Five Years In: Looking at the Rate of Change in Digital Business Transformation

October 31st 2016

Five years ago today, on Halloween, I was headed to London to keynote my second conference there in five months. I’m on a runway again, so its a natural time to how much our thinking about digital business has changed – and where that puts us for the next big areas of digital innovation.

Did Trump Jr. Take Skittles from a Refugee?

October 25th 2016

If the US economy were based on non-intentional irony, this election cycle would have already enriched us immeasurably. Until that pays off, consider the cosmic comeuppance of the former refugee who is suing the Trump campaign for stealing his photo of Skittles…which they used to warn that refugees are dangerous, or in this case litigious.