Blog Archives

Of hoaxes and heroes: the President wants to focus on anything but COVID19

July 4th 2020

Last week, the US broke records for new coronavirus cases day after day. If this were a normal administration, it would be flooding news programs with medical experts to tell Americans to wear masks and to take precautions to fight the virus’s spread. But the Trump White House is doing the opposite. The President hosted an […]

Until the racism is over, a framework for empathy

June 21st 2020

We have closed the US economy to compensate for a health system unprepared for a pandemic. Now it’s time to address the inequities that have made the burden of COVID-19 fall disproportionately on minority and lower-income communities.

Mentoring at MIT’s COVID-19 Challenge: 1,500 awesome new colleagues for a weekend

June 13th 2020

I recently joined 1,500 designers, developers, entrepreneurs, patients, and health professionals who came together from 40 countries to hack ways to help people through the Recovery and Reopening from the COVID-19 pandemic. I was one of the mentors who worked with 200+ teams in a mad rush to prototype innovative new responses to COVID-19.

Doing the Healthcare Rap: talking marketing innovation with Jared Johnson

June 5th 2020

Jared Johnson is a prolific interviewer and keen watcher of innovation in healthcare marketing. We had a twenty-minute talk which has dropped as the latest episode of the Healthcare Rap.

This hellish week is the fruit of an administration of rage

June 2nd 2020

Trump isn’t the one who killed George Floyd by pressing a knee to his neck. Police brutality against African Americans — and racism generally — has plagued us for centuries. But Trump uniquely fueled fury, with bigotry, dismantling police reforms, and encouraging aggression in violent speech.

We are entering the age of trauma-informed marketing: meet the SIMI empathy framework

May 30th 2020

In my work and teaching, I’ve introduced the abbreviation SIMI: stress, illiteracy, mistrust, and inequality as to help us identify the barriers these huge barriers to consumer engagement. SIMI helps us recognize the context which too often is part of consumers’ lives.

COVID19 is Trump’s Chernobyl

May 23rd 2020

HBO’s Chernobyl miniseries has glowed with an unexpectedly long half-life for me. It illustrates the political and cultural rot that comes when people believe that truth must align with their leader’s wishes. It’s been echoing for me as a cautionary parable applicable to President Trump’s response to the Coronavirus.

Connecting healthcare marketing experiences after COVID19

May 19th 2020

If you love at-scale healthcare marketing, content strategy, and the idea of making life after COVID19 more innovative and productive — then you’ll want to join me with Derek Phillips and Jeff Cram from PK on next week’s eHealthcare Strategy webinar.

The week healthcare stopped being a punchline: America’s business visionaries flail reinventing the most demanding industry

May 15th 2020

Dr. Atul Gawande will leave his role as CEO of Haven, a joint venture of Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, and JP Morgan. We take a look why Haven’s had slow going, and what this means for incumbent healthcare teams and their role as change agents.

Fast Friday video fly-over: how hospital websites have responded to COVID19

May 8th 2020

If you’re interested in price transparency, telemedicine, chatbots, content hubs or multilingual marketing — then you’ll want to take a few minutes to get this accelerated update on these leading sites.