The week healthcare needed to flip its humanity to tech ratio, and I was in Denver

December 7th 2019

This week’s news includes lots of technology related snarls, and a reminder that when we talk about trends in healthcare – we’re talking about lots of human lives.

Young Americans are dying at high rates and MGH may spend $100M to change its name

November 30th 2019

There’s more research showing American’s under stress, and dying younger — and MGH/Partners announced it may spend $100 million on changing its name. Get a quick perspective on these latest fixations right here.

Stress and mental health are trending, children’s hospitals fight to end stigma and improve policy

November 23rd 2019

There’s a vast need to address mental health, undoubtedly in our personal lives but also thinking about customers. Increasing levels of depression, anxiety and self-harm may signal the need for larger cultural changes, which marketers ignore at their own risk.

The week when Google entering healthcare scared people while I was in London

November 16th 2019

The concern stirred by Google’s focus on healthcare was clear all the way from London. I share some insights from OHSU, ClearDATA, and the strategy behind going in big on Lam Research which has close to doubled in value just in this year.

The week when voice assistants were hacked and I worked from a villa

November 9th 2019

Get the scoop on Design Ethics, the hacking of voice assistants, an odd wellness product, and my work life living in Orlando with 20 coworkers in ‘the Big Brother house’.

Why did Google buy Fitbit? Three key benefits

November 3rd 2019

Fitbit bit would bring Google: 1.) their first mass wearable product, 2.) an in-place wellness product line with global adoption and distribution, 3.) reams of progressively sophisticated health data and a privacy debate. Click above for the data and details.

Bad Transit Ads, Sexy Halloween Edition

October 30th 2019

Sometimes termed Gay Christmas, Halloween is all about malfeasance. Here are some new additions to our bad transit advertising collection which all seem to end up somewhere unexpectedly sexy, nasy or gross. Have a great Halloween, and I hope you have fun laughing at the ads we pass every day.

Christina Kirchner: memories of the corrupt leader ascending in Argentina again

October 27th 2019

Twain noted, “History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes.” As Argentina starts a new verse in its history, its worth remembering the form of its last stanza shaped by Christina Kirchener.

Today’s climate strike may be overdue: 28% of North America’s birds have vanished in my lifetime

September 20th 2019

Environment supports everything from life to emotional health. New research reminds us to extrapolate from that which we can measure effectively to the many other parts of life which are less visible though essential and perhaps harder to remedy.

Trump’s re-election starts with bullying, fakery and a ban on blocking in social media

July 18th 2019

From ‘fake’ social media endorsements, bullying and a court ban on blocking Twitter followers – the campaign is already hot with digital issues. Its election season, so I guess I’m commenting on the digital life of politics again, occasionally.