March 3rd 2013
I’ve been seeing quite a few agencies claiming to be “anti-agencies”. There are lots of reasons why the agency business model should evolve, but new ways of creating value rarely start with positioning.
February 14th 2013
This week Maker’s Mark announced they’d respond to a shortage of their premium whiskey by watering it down. Though I like my bourbon with water, here’s why Maker’s Mark might not.
January 31st 2013
A quick look at revenue growth over three years shows that companies loved by their clients grew more than twice as fast as Super Bowl advertisers.
October 3rd 2012
Benjamin Banks, the unnerving spokes pig thing is back…standing on his hind legs and telling young people to start saving. But without the connection of saving to happiness, a pig telling me how to get cheaper smokes doesn’t make we want to save. It just makes me want to shower.
August 28th 2012
Lots of brands face challenges, but Microsoft’s recent work looks like what happens when marketers give up. Here are a few samples of their latest and a view of how much cooler this brand could be.
March 13th 2012
Just as these CAPTCHA kittens strike “fluffy adorable fear” in to the hearts of spambots, your brand can gain influence by showing its personality. Its as easy as counting cats.
July 14th 2011
Some of the absolute best social media work anywhere is being done by a century-old firm you probably already know. The Hartford’s Achieve Without Limits is taking cause marketing to “at-scale success”. Come take a look.
October 12th 2010
Logo contest firm shows how easy it is to make a better logo Judging from the fuss on Twitter, a change to a retailer’s logo can make a big difference in perception. Last week, Gap swapped its traditional blue logo with a new Helvetica logo on a white background pictured here. It reminds me of […]