Big Ideas

Boston Hosting the Olympics is Like Winning a Beauty Contest in Prison

January 11th 2015

The idea that planning a two week party for nine years will somehow better our focus Boston’s civic efforts that responding to real needs is at once the most optimistic and cynical gambit imaginable.

The Best Digital Strategy Articles, MOOCs and Books for 2015

December 30th 2014

As we sit here hungry for the brief pause between years, here are a dozen or so great starting points for setting your digital course over the next year.

Digital Innovation Puts Us All In the Software Business

September 29th 2014

No matter what else you may do, if you rely on digital technology – and who doesn’t – then you are in the software business too. And this carries implications for your business as it grows today — and in how this software gets updated and iterated in the future.

Alibaba IPO Solidifies US / China Tech Duopoly

September 20th 2014

The world’s second most valuable Internet firm made its market debut yesterday. The ten most valuable tech companies are now close to evenly split between the US and China, setting up a possible duopoly between the business ecosystems in the two countries.

More hours of sleep could be better for your career than extra work

August 27th 2014

Working harder can only get you so far. Recent brain research explains why sleep is so vital, and why being well-rested just may be back in style.

Cleveland Clinic Empathy + Innovation Summit: Five Patient-First Forces to Fix Healthcare

May 28th 2014

Here are five macro-changes that are starting to driving systemic innovation in healthcare. Making empathy, design, medicine and business intersect for better value, outcomes, and patient experiences.

News Three Count: The End of America as the Internet’s “Mac Daddy”

March 16th 2014

Taken together, this week’s news shows how the Internet is moving toward a more international “multi-pole” system of of influence, rather than the “America in the Middle” arrangement that has been its history to date.

Zeno’s Marketing Paradox: Native Advertising as a Ramp To Customer Experience

February 5th 2014

From Dell to EdX, Columbia Sportswear to Red Bull — advertising is increasingly less about claiming value, and more about delivering it through memorable experiences. That’s the secret behind Zeno’s Paradox of Marketing.

Is a World Without Ads Possible? We’re already halfway there.

February 3rd 2014

“What if there were no ads?” That was the question content marketers Robert Rose and Joe Pulizzi asked in an episode of their podcast, This Old Marketing. It sounds like the start of John Lennon’s Imagine, but for marketers. What if there were just no ads?

Amanda Palmer Talks at Ted: The Art of Asking

March 4th 2013

Its no secret that I’m a fan of Amanda Palmer’s performance both on stage and online. Here’s her latest from the Ted conference.