
Get rich quick? NFTs build a business on bragging rights for COVID-euphoric investors

March 24th 2021

If you’re scratching your head about the digital tokens (NFTs) that are being used to buy $33,000 tennis shoes and 60 million dollar digital art pieces you’re not alone. Here is a quick take on what they are, where they can go wrong, and what this says about life on the road to pandemic recovery.

Global forces drive digital business and Amazon readies to join the travel biz

November 23rd 2014

Google reconsiders doing business in Chiga, and the EU wonders aloud about breaking Google up. Amazon readies to enter the travel biz, US TV focuses on shows that translate globally, and Netflix pursues the “old people” demographic.

Amazing times for Amazon, Alibaba, Hasbro — plus robot legs as a growth industry

November 15th 2014

It was an unexpectedly sweet week for ecommerce, thanks to an unexpected gift from House Republicans and single people in China. We also saw a bold content play with Hasbro courting DreamWorks, and an even bolder move of an auto parts manufacturer re-inventing its self as an innovative maker of robotic legs.

Alibaba IPO Solidifies US / China Tech Duopoly

September 20th 2014

The world’s second most valuable Internet firm made its market debut yesterday. The ten most valuable tech companies are now close to evenly split between the US and China, setting up a possible duopoly between the business ecosystems in the two countries.

Shopping3.0: Multichannel Precision Marketing at the Store Shelf

May 3rd 2011

If you knew which customers were making decisions right at the store shelf, or on a showroom floor, would you talk to them differently than someone doing research from home?

Of course. Increasingly marketers are reaching shoppers through mobile devices as they make retail choices in stores. There’s a huge opportunity for digital marketing to come “inside the store” to provide realtime air support to help win sales.

How Mobile Shopping is Reinventing the Shopping Experience

March 28th 2011

Mobile commerce is erasing the line between online and in-person shopping. Dave Wieneke provides a look at this market’s growth and ways retailers are building their mcommerce future.

Yes, You Can Learn Social Media in School: Social Marketing and eCommerce at Bentley College

November 4th 2010

The session started with a 15-minute quiz on the latest social media phenoms of the last week: what’s up with Angry Birds, men buried in Skittles, and Evernote’s funding round?  It’s all part of being socialized into the constant flow of always-on social media, says adjunct professor Mari Anne Snow, who makes being on top […]

Techno Elders: Don’t Miss This Fast Growing Market

June 4th 2010

The elderly population in the US is ready to zoom to 20%. According to the US government, the number of people over 65 in 2030 is projected to be twice as large as in 2000, growing from 35 million to 71.5 million and representing nearly 20 percent of the total US population. They Are Buying […]

Can You Buy Zappos Culture?

January 18th 2010

Even though I’ve made fun of their airport ads, Zappos absolutely knows how to sell shoes. Now, according to Business Week, it’s hoping to profit from people’s fascination with its friendly, antics-filled business model. After all, if an entrepreneur creates a successful business, why not sell the concept to other entrepreneurs interested in starting up […]

Nexus, Schmexus…New York Wants Digital Download Tax

February 20th 2009

The Governor of the State of New York wants to address their $15 billion deficit by taxing, well, almost everything. Among the specifics is the taxing of digital downloads. The so-called “iPod Tax” would be 4 percent on all music and video downloads. For years, we’ve been waiting for the axe to drop on e-commerce […]