Pharma Marketing May Be Ready for Small Steps with Facebook Live
December 14th 2016
Beth Snyder Bulik at Fierce Pharma and I recently discussed ways pharmaceutical marketers can take initial steps with personal video.
December 14th 2016
Beth Snyder Bulik at Fierce Pharma and I recently discussed ways pharmaceutical marketers can take initial steps with personal video.
June 15th 2015
The Apple Watch is a watershed product because it is a masterful consumerization of technology, and it begins to show how industries and our lives may change living among an Internet of Things.
April 29th 2012
A bill to protect privacy on social networks such as Facebook has been introduced in Congress. Here’s a serious reality check on why smart employers should keep well away from their staff’s social grid.
July 14th 2011
Some of the absolute best social media work anywhere is being done by a century-old firm you probably already know. The Hartford’s Achieve Without Limits is taking cause marketing to “at-scale success”. Come take a look.
May 8th 2011
As some on the net bemoan that “the best minds of our generation are thinking about how to make people click on Facebook ads”, I’d invite you to question the premise. Perhaps the best minds are using ideas to change the World, and those who specialize at monetizing the the medium are just their elite infrastructure.
October 28th 2010
Audience Platforms Emerge as the New Networks We are now among 2 billion people on the Internet. Have you noticed that we’re increasingly spending the bulk of our time on an ever-smaller handful of hub websites? According to data from Compete in 2001, 30 percent of all Internet traffic went to the top 10 visited […]
March 20th 2010
This week, Greenpeace posted a gruesome anti-Nestlé commercial on YouTube complaining that Nestlé SA buys palm oil from companies that destroy the Indonesian rainforest to plant oil palms. The 60-second video depicts a bored office worker enjoying a Kit Kat, which, rather than being the popular chocolate-hazelnut ladyfinger-style confection, appears to be a chocolate-covered ape […]
June 29th 2009
In May, St. Louis Cardinals manager Tony La Russa filed suit against Twitter in California Superior Court, essentially claiming that someone using his name was posting comments that damaged his reputation and caused emotional distress. The suit also claims damage to La Russa’s trademark rights. Ordinarily, I would have thought little about the case, believing […]