May 13th 2011
On Fridays I like to share news of topics and people you might want to keep an eye on. Ben Brooks’ post lays what ails Microsoft at the feet of CEO, Steve Ballmer. And my “other” local paper, the Boston Herald, makes a fuss over a federal messaging chip that will be working in all new US mobile phones by April.
May 12th 2011
Last night I was with Microsoft Online Services President, Qi Lu, who shared Microsoft’s view of the web’s future. Microsoft’s Skype purchases fits within a set of strategic themes that reflect how Microsoft sees its self and the digital landscape.
May 10th 2011
Airports are like islands of bad advertising. Lebron James, who happens to be playing against my hometown Celtics this week is the subject of some unusual airport advertising in Cleveland.
May 8th 2011
As some on the net bemoan that “the best minds of our generation are thinking about how to make people click on Facebook ads”, I’d invite you to question the premise. Perhaps the best minds are using ideas to change the World, and those who specialize at monetizing the the medium are just their elite infrastructure.
May 6th 2011
What happens when we the “free” knowledge economy gets down to the personal level? Free economy or not, you still want to get paid right?
This week’s Follow Friday post highlights four agencies with points of view on this, and my own, which abbreviated is: SWSWSW-N.
May 3rd 2011
If you knew which customers were making decisions right at the store shelf, or on a showroom floor, would you talk to them differently than someone doing research from home?
Of course. Increasingly marketers are reaching shoppers through mobile devices as they make retail choices in stores. There’s a huge opportunity for digital marketing to come “inside the store” to provide realtime air support to help win sales.
April 27th 2011
I’ll be speaking at some conferences, and I have some discounts and bribes to help get you there. And, if you’re a Foursquare user, here’s a link so we can follow each others’ travels.
April 26th 2011
There’s a premium on setting digital marketing priorities, because digital media is fragmented in a way that’s different from even five years ago. More than ever, digital strategy and business strategy need to be spot-on.
April 23rd 2011
The Jasmine revolution has spooked authorities in China, who now see the Net as able to incubate and spread revolution. Even just the worry of instability in China is relevant to economies around the world.
April 22nd 2011
Not all nations spy on their people without court orders, but the Washington does. In in my mind, this excludes them from the privacy and trust business. And there are good reasons to be skeptical of Washington’s new approach to national online identity management.