Educating the First Wave of Trained Digital Strategy Leads

April 1st 2012

To know the future of digital marketing, it helps to spend time with the next generation’s talent. That’s why I’m at three universities in the next week, to share and learn from the first cohort of trained digital managers. Here’s what I’ve seen.

Thanks for Joining the Content Strategy Book Event w/Margot Bloomstein

March 29th 2012

Tonight, Thursday March 29, ISITE Design is hosting a book launch event for Content Strategy at Work by Margot Bloomstein. Besides being a really fun, smart person, Margot’s wrestled over how to help organizations approach online publishing, and she has great stories and examples to share. Hope to see you tonight, at 6:30 in the Back Bay.

Health Care is a Digital Marketing Frontier / Join Me for a Free Conference in Boston

March 29th 2012

Health Care reform is a hot topic: meet my friend, health care economist & blogger Austin Frakt. Also, get the scoop on a free digital marketing conference in Boston where I’ll talk about how digital marketing will help drive huge changes in the way we select health care.

How Does Pinterest Make Money and Are Business Models Really All That?

March 28th 2012

Case studies from Toys R Us and Lindt Chocolate, along with 21 million users are good evidence of Pinterest’s utility. Yep, they need a business plan, but that will be the easy part.

Is Pinterest a Copyright Bomb? Real Politic Meets Disingenuous Terms of Use

March 21st 2012

MIT Tech Review hails Pinterest’s terms of use as a genius-level copyright dodge. And while that may be so, its position is disingenuous to the point of irony.

Get Some Market Research: Having Facts Rocks

March 20th 2012

Some market facts are simply worth knowing with certainty. Besides giving a proprietary knowledge advantage, external research can do wonders to get organizations on the same page. Allow me to introduce, the talented and beautiful Cory Mann, who is a blue chip market researcher with a small agency cost structure.

What Is Pinterest, and Why Should Anyone Care?

March 16th 2012

Sure, there’s hype, but Pinterest is the front edge of at least two important digital marketing trends. If you’re a digital manager, you need a clear point of view on this for those you advise. And if you’re just curious, this is your invitation to check out this fun, innovative, new social network.

Kittens & Pinterest: Does Your Marketng Have Minimum Viable Personality?

March 13th 2012

Just as these CAPTCHA kittens strike “fluffy adorable fear” in to the hearts of spambots, your brand can gain influence by showing its personality. Its as easy as counting cats.

Off topic: If You’re in Massachusetts, Come Vote Republican for a Day!

March 5th 2012

If you live in Massachusetts and are “unenrolled” you can vote in Super Tuesday’s primary. My hope is that Romney-fatigued voters, idealistic students, and lovers of political theater will vote for Ron Paul. He’s the dark horse candidate in Romney’s Massachusetts – and perhaps our best hope to deliver a Super Tuesday surprise, and start dramatic reform.

Two-Minute Video: Customer Experience Marketing & The Single Pane of Glass

February 27th 2012

Need to integrate the constantly growing number of digital marketing channels? Start with the Customer Experience. Here’s a nice two minute video by Web Innovation Nopw on an idea I spoke on about Customer Experience at the Online Marketing Summit in San Diego. Take a look.