I’m Back: Like a Heart Attack (Bangers and Mash Anyone?)
I’m back from my little social media hiatus. It was fun. I had a few unplugged weeks of vacation, followed by a few heads-down weeks of client strategy work.
Yes, this is me on a horse in the Rockies. There’s no Photohop at work here. I’m sure his name was something like Muffin, but that aside, riding and camping for two weeks in the Rockies was a great break.
Since I’m flying more, I’ve ditched my car.
The travel has been great. I’ve been with clients in Philly, DC, SF, PDX — and speaking in New York, Atlanta, and Boston. Not one of these has required car travel. Added to that, I’m working with a team that’s in Kendall Square, Cambridge. Along with bikes, buses and boots, I’m using lots of new apps to manage travel near and far, as well as my digital life (that’s a topic for a future post).
I’m speaking in Boston next week!
Ann Handley, Dave McLaughlin, David Meerman Scott and I will join the Boston Globe‘s Scott Kirsner for a discussion about the future of email messaging next week. Details are still coming together, but as they do I’ll post details here.
London’s Calling for November ;>
Someone who saw me talk at the Future of Digital Marketing asked me to come back to keynote his email marketing firm’s annual gathering. Its a great chance to reconnect with the digital space where I cut my spurs, and to reconnect with London friends. (I’m hoping to get some digital strategy types and their friends out for a night of off-the-record talking about what’s new in their work. If you’re local, let’s make plans.)
Teaching grad school is a Boston tradition.
Leading digital strategy is still my main focus. However, teaching graduate work in digital marketing at Northeastern University is forcing me to refine how I get ideas across, and make sure they’ve stuck. I continue to guest-lecture at Bentley and Suffolk’s MBA program, where their smart professors are sharing advice on digitally enabled teaching. To that end, I need guest lecturers for next year. Who wants to come share with real next-generation marketers?
Back, like a heart attack.While I don’t believe that Klout measures influence, I think it’s a perfectly fair gauge of engagement. And after a month off, I’m getting back in the groove of working like crazy, teaching and learning from great people, and reconnecting with you. Let’s be sure we’re connected on Twitter, or LinkedIn, or Google+ if you’re having fun there.
Hope to hear from you soon, Dave.