2 – Online Technology

Why did Google buy Fitbit? Three key benefits

November 3rd 2019

Fitbit bit would bring Google: 1.) their first mass wearable product, 2.) an in-place wellness product line with global adoption and distribution, 3.) reams of progressively sophisticated health data and a privacy debate. Click above for the data and details.

Christina Kirchner: memories of the corrupt leader ascending in Argentina again

October 27th 2019

Twain noted, “History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes.” As Argentina starts a new verse in its history, its worth remembering the form of its last stanza shaped by Christina Kirchener.

Trump’s re-election starts with bullying, fakery and a ban on blocking in social media

July 18th 2019

From ‘fake’ social media endorsements, bullying and a court ban on blocking Twitter followers – the campaign is already hot with digital issues. Its election season, so I guess I’m commenting on the digital life of politics again, occasionally.

Boston Pride, pinkwashing and how cities heal

June 8th 2019

Boston, my city, is becoming only party of neighborhoods. In the last decade, waves of investment and building have blurred the lines between areas that had been attached to ethnic or racial identities in people’s minds. As a ‘glass half full’ kind of guy, I see such change as mostly to the good. But I […]

2019-2020 Hospital Digital Index wins four industry awards

May 31st 2019

Tonight the New England Society for Healthcare Communicators (Neshco) awarded the HDX-15 report their coveted gold Lamplighter Award. This recognition by leaders in healthcare marketing and public relations means so much to everone on Connective DX’s healthcare team, who have taken up this reasearch as a way to enrich the communities of experts we learn […]

Marketing truth: 99% of customers don’t care, until they do

April 20th 2019

On my commute home I saw this fellow waring a shirt that said: “There’s a 99% change I don’t care.” Yes, he posed for this photo – and agreed its a message that could set a lot of people in business free.

Get 25% off on Rutgers Mini MBA in Customer Centered Management

February 28th 2019

For the first time ever, the Rutgers Business School is allowing instructors to give a 25% discount to programs they teach. That means you can take the mini MBA in Customer Centered Leadership I’m co-instructing this April, and pay less because you read UsefulArts.

‘Content’, the clinical term for someone else’s art

February 15th 2019

Content is a clinical term, used as surgeons use the word “tissue” for describing someone else’s skin. Its a necessary abstraction, and as such, as rather the opposite of a compliment. No one ever says, “nice tissue, dude.”

Customer strategy foundation: SEC analysis determines how customers buy

January 30th 2019

Knowing whether buyers conduct consideration with complete, partial or minimal information about the qualities of goods they seek is an essential starting point for customer experience strategy. This post describes this technique and dynamics buyers encounter in considering purchasing each type of goods.

Webinar Invitation: Building Strong Hospital Digital Experiences with Connective DX and Johns Hopkins

January 4th 2019

Hear the top findings from this year’s Hospital Digital Index (HDX-15) Research Report, and catch a guest appearance by Aaron Watkins, who leads digital strategy at Johns Hopkins Medicine.