November 29th 2010
Has Google made a privacy slip-up? Imagine finding your real gmail use portrayed on CNN. No matter what terms of use say, isn’t privacy inherent to providing a suitable email service?
November 9th 2010
Thanks to everyone from the Global Executive Resource Group and my fellow panelists on global branding and digital marketing. As promised, here are the slides I prepared. It was great visiting with you.
November 8th 2010
Have you noticed firms that do content marketing with such an SEO focus that it gets in the way of their user experience? Too often firms follow SEO tactics which are really an arbitrage of marginally useful actions that often have no value other than to influence Google. Here are some good SEO practices that […]
November 4th 2010
The session started with a 15-minute quiz on the latest social media phenoms of the last week: what’s up with Angry Birds, men buried in Skittles, and Evernote’s funding round? It’s all part of being socialized into the constant flow of always-on social media, says adjunct professor Mari Anne Snow, who makes being on top […]
November 2nd 2010
Huge thanks to everyone at the Online Marketing Summit and ClickZ for convening today’s all day conference on social media. I’m hoping to see lots of you in February for their annual digital marketing extravaganza in February, where I’ll be talking about Web3.0: The Wave That Follows Social Media. Slides from the session are posted […]
October 28th 2010
Audience Platforms Emerge as the New Networks We are now among 2 billion people on the Internet. Have you noticed that we’re increasingly spending the bulk of our time on an ever-smaller handful of hub websites? According to data from Compete in 2001, 30 percent of all Internet traffic went to the top 10 visited […]
October 26th 2010
Please join me and other UsefulArtists at an amazing, free, online event hosted by the Online Marketing Summit. One of the great things about social media is the generosity among practitioners, and the real relationships that develop. That’s why I’m thrilled to be part of a line-up of social media pros who are giving away […]
October 21st 2010
The Boston area had as many featured firms as the whole state of California, and more than New York. Per capita, we’re a digital marketing hive.
October 18th 2010
A “happily ranty” how to on ditching tired social media formulas to write stronger content, and be a social media statesman rather than another social media windbag.
October 4th 2010
Social Marketing ROI & Beyond This Wednesday night at 8:30PM I’ll be online to talk shop with you about one of the hottest topics in marketing, social measurement. Sign-up here. Are you getting tired of that nagging question about Social Marketing ROI? There’s a reason why calculating the return on social marketing is harder than […]