Content strategy

Stop Begging for Links: 4 Engagement Methods for Content-Based Link Building

May 13th 2010

This post originally came from Michael Gray, who is an SEO Consultant. He and the post’s writer, Garrett French, have generously shared their content — which, as you can see, has resulted in both links and a legit hat tip. Link begging is the practice of identifying link prospects, usually through competitor backlink analysis, and […]

The 3 Buckets of Web Distribution: Get On To the Pageless Web

April 20th 2010

In the cloud, nobody can tell if you’re a web page. In talking with people about the post The Siteless Web and the End of Brand Website Rule: Web 3.0, I found myself suggesting that online visitors will encounter us through three types of experiences: Sites we control: traditional, publishing-based information distribution. Sites others control: […]

The Siteless Web and the End of Brand Website Rule: Web 3.0

April 15th 2010

Online changes seem to happen quickly, but their beginnings are often apparent years in advance. And legal factors provide signals to business about the stability of these new systems. This is an idea I hope we can start to discuss in all the places we talk about the future of the Web. It is from […]

New Presentation: How Web Experiences Build Brand Power

April 2nd 2010

This Tuesday I had the challenge and opportunity to talk with a team of 20 legal marketers about how online experiences build and validate brands. It was a smart room; I’m glad to have been invited. How Do You Make a Great Page? Since my presentations are illustrations, you may get only the flavor of […]

April Fools’ Day Joke’s On Twitter: New Design Hacked With Porn

April 1st 2010

Just yesterday CNET featured Twitter’s roll-out of its homepage, which has been redesigned for newbies.  One of the new features is a built-in view of the Tweetstream of a popular keyword. When I logged in this morning, the featured word was “Moscow” — but all the Tweets it featured were pornographic images. This may have […]

Altaf Shaikh: Do you think that Bill Gates or Richard Branson is always on the other end of your social media conversations?

February 9th 2010

First off, I just wanted to thank Dave for inviting me to join in the conversation on Ghostwriting in Social Media. Secondly, I want to make something very clear before I stand up on my soapbox: I am a marketer—and founder & CEO of the interactive e-marketing firm—and as a company, we do represent […]

Shava Nerad: Blog Ghost Writing Amplifies Authentic Voices

February 6th 2010

This response was originally posted on Shava Nerad’s blog Memesplice. It is used with permission. This is a response to Ja-Nae Duane’s article, which in turn responds to Dave Weineke’s article, both on, Dave’s blog. You should go read both.  But briefly, Dave thinks a blog article written by one person and posted under […]

Ja-Nae Duane: Ghost Blog Writing & Social Media Ethics Are Different

February 5th 2010

Thank you for the opportunity to respond to yesterday’s post, The Ethics of Ghost Writing and Marionette Social Media. As someone who does a tremendous amount of outsourcing, this is a topic that is near and dear to me. Blogging: I am a huge advocate of outsourcing my blog writing. Why? Well, I have two […]

The Ethics of Ghost Writing Blogs and Marionette Social Media: New 2010 Trend

February 4th 2010

The road to hell isn’t just paved with good intentions. Its slope is masked by perfectly plausible justifications. So here’s the nice, clear thesis this post will advance: Unacknowledged ghost authorship of social media is unethical if you put your name on it. Many errors seem benign in the beginning. But no matter how gradual […]

No Recession in Content Marketing: Spending Projected to Triple

January 30th 2010

An annual survey of marketing professionals indicates that the share of budget devoted to content creation will be 33 percent in 2010, triple the 11 percent the same survey projected in 2009. Marketing spend is migrating online, and strong content is now “table stakes” for success in online marketing.  Online what we say defines who […]