November 15th 2014
It was an unexpectedly sweet week for ecommerce, thanks to an unexpected gift from House Republicans and single people in China. We also saw a bold content play with Hasbro courting DreamWorks, and an even bolder move of an auto parts manufacturer re-inventing its self as an innovative maker of robotic legs.
June 8th 2014
One key benefit of digital data is that it can be put to work to personalize digital visitor experiences. Three members of ISITE Design will share their insights on planning personalized digital experiences on a free webinar this Tuesday, June 10. (I work for ISITE — and am proud to share the work of my awesome colleagues.)
February 5th 2014
From Dell to EdX, Columbia Sportswear to Red Bull — advertising is increasingly less about claiming value, and more about delivering it through memorable experiences. That’s the secret behind Zeno’s Paradox of Marketing.
February 3rd 2014
“What if there were no ads?” That was the question content marketers Robert Rose and Joe Pulizzi asked in an episode of their podcast, This Old Marketing. It sounds like the start of John Lennon’s Imagine, but for marketers. What if there were just no ads?
May 5th 2013
Temujin Doran has turned from delicious digital minute-long videos that meditate on life, to a video interpretation of Chris Hedges Death of the Liberal Class. Both are artistic works that remind me of the artistic values available through video and the imperative to raise our expectations of digital experiences. Come watch a film, you’ll be glad you did.
April 23rd 2013
Its an amazing work. Besides finishing a key engagement in Chicago, and starting one in Worcester – I’m out speaking and teaching in no fewer than three places this week. Please, please, please come and make this more fun. Or, horn in on some of the highlights by following along online.
October 30th 2012
Is your content marketing ready for a hurricane? Here are three content marketing reminders we can take from the online phenomena which has been, and even today still is, Hurricane Sandy.
May 4th 2012
One of the students I’ve gotten to know pointed this out as inspiring them to “make great marketing”. But it also raises the question about the centrality of words as the web makes greater use of video. Take a look and let me know what you think.
April 9th 2012
Get an hour of mobile strategy and development insight from the guy I am fortunate to go to for advice, Gene Ehrbar. You’ll get a great view of how responsive design can keep your digital marketing “Future Friendly” even as delivery devices continue to proliferate.
March 29th 2012
Tonight, Thursday March 29, ISITE Design is hosting a book launch event for Content Strategy at Work by Margot Bloomstein. Besides being a really fun, smart person, Margot’s wrestled over how to help organizations approach online publishing, and she has great stories and examples to share. Hope to see you tonight, at 6:30 in the Back Bay.