September 5th 2024
Hopefulness is the anomaly of humanity, which emits moments of illuminated joy surrounded by the eternity of night. This is my requiem for 10-year-old Tala Abu Ajwa who died with her skates on, and my sympathy for her parents who gave her moments of childhood in war.
February 20th 2020
The problem with Scouting isn’t the lawsuits, it’s the culture and structures that failed to address the needs of victims and boys. In this post, I recommend that its time for Scouting in America to leave the hold of the BSA. Yes, that’s possible. Your Congressional representative in fact, can vote to do just that.
December 20th 2019
Our most meaningful work will almost never arrive wrapped in RFPs. Take a look at this beautiful ad by Weiden + Kennedy for the National Alliance On Mental Illness. Its a gift.
February 14th 2017
Kids have to be kids, even in the hospital. Doctors, parents, friends and even other patients who act on this impulse, create amazing moments – and telling their story to bring out our better angels for Valentines Day seems like a good way to keep the holiday. Check it out, this could start a new Valentine’s day tradition.
February 28th 2010
Bad advertising is the fun pause that refreshes here on UsefulArts. On our previous bad advertising safaris, we’ve: Found the the worst law firm ad ever, and helped get it pulled down. Treated the airport as a museum of misfit ads. Pointed out that UPS has a pretty bad tagline. Chronicled the offensive or silly […]
February 23rd 2010
As the case of the Pennsylvania school system that allegedly spied on their students gains broader attention, the Lazy Man and Money blog raises a provocative question…why sue a school? Lawyers and lawsuits are controversial, especially as we debate health care and malpractice reform. I’d like to hear what you think about this. The more […]
February 19th 2010
According to a class action lawsuit, a Pennsylvania school district used laptops it issued to high school students to regularly spy on them at home via the built-in webcams. In a court filing (Blake J Robbins v Lower Merion School District), the parents of student Blake Robbins are suing the school district for: invasion of […]
February 17th 2010
Your Digital Papers, Please? Last week at the Davos World Economic Forum, Microsoft’s chief research and technology officer floated what to date has been an obviously bad idea: that Internet users should be licensed. The suggestion is covered and advanced in a Time Magazine article that takes the familiar dystopic theme of the Net as the […]
November 23rd 2009
On The Internet Nobody Knows If You’re a 14-Year-Old Girl In Wales, a 61-year-old woman suspected that her husband had been sharing elicit emails with a 14-year-old girl, and feared he was a pedophile. She logged on from a computer elsewhere in their home, pretended to be such a girl, and found he was all […]
November 17th 2009
This year, online tools are helping parents identify dangerous products, and better still, select healthy choices from the field of safe picks. In today’s complex world, everyone’s health safety is increasingly in their own informed hands. Healthy Stuff Bet you didn’t know that many toy cars contain materials known to cause birth defects or cancer. […]