Spot Stupid without Reading a Whole Blog Post (Hint: Kill the Ninja)

October 18th 2010

A “happily ranty” how to on ditching tired social media formulas to write stronger content, and be a social media statesman rather than another social media windbag.

The Gap’s Logo Debacle is 99 Design’s Triumph

October 12th 2010

Logo contest firm shows how easy it is to make a better logo Judging from the fuss on Twitter, a change to a retailer’s logo can make a big difference in perception. Last week, Gap swapped its traditional blue logo with a new Helvetica logo on a white background pictured here. It reminds me of […]

FutreM: the future of marketing

The Future of Digital Strategy: Archive Video from FutureM 2010

October 7th 2010

If you didn’t get to Boston’s FutureM conference this year, here’s a taste. This session on the future of digital strategy included enterprise marketers from four of Boston’s most innovative brands.

Headed to FutureM Digital Strategy Session :: Say Hi, Get Gift

October 6th 2010

Just a reminder – if you’ll be at today’s FutureM panel discussion on The Future of Digital Strategy, I will have some tasty gifts for anyone who says hello and mentions that they read this blog. As my brother-in-law is a master chocolate maker (who really should blog himself) there is a likelihood that I’ll […]

Join Me Wednesday Night for a Free After Work Webinar on Social Marketing Measurement

October 4th 2010

Social Marketing ROI & Beyond This Wednesday night at 8:30PM I’ll be online to talk shop with you about one of the hottest topics in marketing, social measurement. Sign-up here. Are you getting tired of that nagging question about Social Marketing ROI? There’s a reason why calculating the return on social marketing is harder than […]

Domain Strategy Can Triple Your Organic Traffic

September 28th 2010

The core of digital strategy is finding your firm’s unfair advantage. This means disrupting symmetrical thinking (large goals need large solutions) with asymmetrical solutions (large results can come from tiny, smart changes.) Here are examples of ways to beat competitors and gain new traffic using domain strategy. Think of Your Domains as a Team of […]

Web3.0: Everything Becomes Everything Else

September 25th 2010

Scott Brinker and I want to thank everyone who brought their ideas and interest in to this morning’s discussion on Web3.0: The Wave the Follows Social Media. Its a pleasure to  have a community where you can discuss emerging topics, and get group brain power to make sense of new topics. Our slide deck is […]

Rumors of My Engagement with Miko Coffey

September 24th 2010

No, not that kind of engagement! Miko is the person I turn to for all things WordPress.  She’s a first rate photog & designer (note the BFA), and she’s a genius with WordPress themes. Remember last year, when UsefulArts slowed down and I needed to improve website performance? She was the friend in London who […]

With Netezza, IBM Moves on 24th Analytics Purchase in Four Years

September 22nd 2010

Close on the heels of its Unica purchase, Big Blue is moving to acquire another Massachusetts data company, Netezza, for $1.7 billion. IBM has made 23 acquisitions totaling $12 billion over the past four years in the area of analytics. It has estimated the size of the market at $100 billion and has predicted the […]

Discuss Web 3.0: The Wave That Follows Social at PodCamp Boston

September 21st 2010

This Saturday at 10AM Scott Brinker and I are hosting a discussion at Podcamp Boston on Web 3.0: The Wave that Follows Social. Scott hosts the Chief Marketing Technologist Blog, and is founder and CTO of ION Interactive. His firm provides a suite of services that helps optimize search and Web experiences, which benefits both […]