February 18th 2011
I’m featured in the Globe today in a fun article about Klout and its excesses. So, what do you say? Is it Tarot cards for the social set, or your next FICO score? Take a read, and let me know what you think.
February 15th 2011
The combination of convenience, more immersive app experiences, and greater device and data interoperability will drive a user experience revolution. I’ve talked about this since 2007, but it’s our industry’s story for 2011.
February 14th 2011
The best ever “under construction” sign has replaced the website of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Come take a look, and imagine what this site could be like in the future.
February 11th 2011
I woke up over route 495 this morning. My dinner of pizza, Sominex, and strong beverage actually made my overnight flight from San Diego one of the most restful nights I’ve had in some time. That’s thanks to the Online Marketing Summit.
January 26th 2011
Hey, I’m going to be on Web radio tomorrow – and it would be awesome have you join me and my fantastic host, Debbie Qaqish on Revenue Marketing Radio. Come get the scoop on the show, and Web3.0.
January 25th 2011
At first social media looked like a pathway to “hyper-empowered” consumers. But as corporations get good at social, their automation, analytics and use of personal data will produced “hyper-empowered” marketers. Once “brand you” has a valuation, the big brands will make their own influence markets.
January 21st 2011
Let’s face it well-placed warrior could probably do more damage with a screwdriver then I could with a whole crate of explosives. Read how digital strategy and having the right people are prerequisites for planning your marketing technology approach.
January 17th 2011
In just a few years I think geeks will look back to 2010 like hippies recall the bashes of the halcyon late sixties. Here are 5 things I think you’ll miss about 2010 in 2015.
January 12th 2011
Like politics, strategy is the art of the possible. And as strategy pursues corporate goals, it has to navigate the pecularities of the organization while marshalling its assets. In this video, I share some thoughts on the FutureM conference on the Future of Digital Strategy, as well as some words from Harvard’s Perry Hewitt, who […]
January 9th 2011
Life is metaphors, I live on them. And so does the law, when it comes to the digital world. Obama officials claim your online life is a “public accomodation” like a restroom (so it can be regulated). But I say that parts of our online lives are form more like virtual presses. And presses are protected because the lead to unfettered speech.