Andrew Schwint and Michael Flint: The Power of Design Thinking

May 23rd 2013

Andrew Schwint and Michael Flint recently spent an evening sharing their design insights with graduate students at Northeastern University.. I hope their insights will trigger your design thinking.

Life’s data layer lets you know thyself in little ways

May 17th 2013

The information layer in our life is getting richer and more useful. Part of this is intentional, we hook up dashboards and carry devices to quantify parts of our lives, but part is automatic. Take my bike for example. Actually, its Hubway’s bike, in fact its their fleet of bikeshare bikes. A few days ago […]

Join me on TODAY’s Googe+ Hangout on Channel Integration

May 15th 2013

As a run-up to Integrated Marketing Week in New York, my friends at Econsultancy have stood up a series of Google+ Hangouts to preview how marketers are joining up marketings digital elements to create integrated customer experiences. The event is at 9am Pacific / noon Eastern time today — no registration is needed, just come […]

2 Minute Preview: Digital Disruption in the Age of the Customer

May 7th 2013

Here’s a two minute recorded preview of the session I’ll be leading at the J.Boye Conference in Philadelphia, a conference focused on web and intranet strategy.

Hope’s beautiful daughters: anger and courage

May 5th 2013

Temujin Doran has turned from delicious digital minute-long videos that meditate on life, to a video interpretation of Chris Hedges Death of the Liberal Class. Both are artistic works that remind me of the artistic values available through video and the imperative to raise our expectations of digital experiences. Come watch a film, you’ll be glad you did.

Icky Comcast Ad Shows Its Poor View of Customers

May 2nd 2013

Apparently Comcast’s affection for their customers is similar to Soylent Green’s esteem for its ingredients.

Join Me for Discussion, Disruption & Drinks with AMA at the NERD

May 1st 2013

Will you be in Boston Tuesday May 7th? Dan Slagen and I will be leading some networking and fun at the AMA Boston Chapter’s monthly Connector series. Dan is an acquisition marketing genius, with experience as SVP at Nanigans and head of Global Partnerships at Hubspot.

EFF: Verizon Doesn’t Care About Your Privacy, Others Do

April 30th 2013

Dropbox and LinkedIn, I knew there was something I liked about you….Verizon and Amazon, shape-up! Get a look at who the EFF says is, and isn’t, standing up for your privacy.

Digital China heats up as Alibaba Takes Stake in Weibo Owner Sina

April 30th 2013

Yesterday, Alibaba purchased a share of Weibo’s owner Sina – in what could be the opening to the year’s largest digital IPO.

My View on Boston’s Marathon Bombings

April 28th 2013

I’m not a Boston native, so as a convert I’m that much more zealous. These are personal thoughts on the Marathon bombing and the responses that followed. Just what I’d hope you’ve come to expect from my blog.