
Take Aways From Online Marketing Summmit in Boston

July 29th 2008

This week I participated in a the wrap-up panel discussion at Boston stop of the Online Marketing Summit. My co-panelists were Blake Coyle, a sales exec from Google, Paul Hyland, Executive Producer,, and Theresa Regli, Principal, CMS Watch. As usual, I’m injecting personal observations along with what happened. If you were there too, please […]

Linkroll: Links to Ideas Worth Knowing

July 12th 2008

TV’s Getting Old: The Christian Science Monitor notes that for the first time, last season’s average viewer was more than fifty years old: “If today’s TV audience were a person, it wouldn’t even be a part of the target demographic anymore.” With games and the Internet, TV simply isn’t the “first screen” for the young […]

Silverlight Law Suit Threatens NBC’s Online Olympics Coverage

July 9th 2008

We were describing the need to understand video search as a new arena of legal interest. Gotuit Media Inc., has sued Microsoft, claiming Silverlight infringes on three of its patents that involve making movies searchable. The Gotuit software allows for the insertion of searchable text data into a movie. Silverlight also allows for the insertion […]

The Videos You Watch Aren’t So Private – But Google’s Code Is

July 4th 2008

In its $1 billion copyright lawsuit, Viacom sought to force Google to turn over what many would consider to be trade secrets and private user records as part of discovery. Yesterday, US District Judge Louis L. Stanton agreed with Google that requiring it to disclose its search algorithms would unnecessarily put its trade secrets at […]

Air Force Marketing Officer Downed by His Own Law Firm

March 10th 2008

As public entities, government agencies can not claim copyright on their works.  But don’t tell that to Meredith Pikser, an attorney with international law firm Reed Smith LLP.  Last week she filed a DMCA Take Down Notice against YouTube, asserting that she represented the Air Force, which owned copyright on its latest recruiting video. Turns out this […]

Is CourtroomLive Ready for Prime Time?

February 7th 2008

This week, ALM, publisher of 33 professional magazines including The American Lawyer, and  Courtroom View Network (CVN), a legal-news video service, announced  The service will allow legal professionals to watch current trials as they happen, and distribute the feeds securely to clients or colleagues. Imagine how firms could create shadow juries to watch actual […]