2 – Online Technology

More than Second Life: Virtual Worlds Provide Choices, Challenges

November 7th 2007

Part 2 in a series of 3.  (Read Part 1 | Part 3 ) In addition to the popular Second Life (SL), how many of these virtual worlds exist? Gobs, and it’s getting more gobby every day. The folks over at TechCrunch.com have a chart that describes a number of the more well-known virtual worlds. Still […]

Chicago Architecture Foundation Case Uses Pay Per Click Ads to Establish Jurisdiction

November 6th 2007

The Case: Domain Magic LLC, a Florida-based company, registered the domain chicagoarchitecturefoundation.org. They developed a website about Chicago-area attractions, then passively generated revenue through Google AdWords.  The Chicago Architecture Foundation sued for trademark infringement in Illinois. Domain Magic filed a motion to dismiss the case for lack of personal jurisdiction, noting they had not conducted […]

User Allegedly Hacked Second Life to Pirate Thousands of Digital Products

November 2nd 2007

Virtually Blind reports a group of leading content creators on Second Life have filed a lawsuit in the Eastern District of New York against Thomas Simon, aka Rase Kenzo. The items in the complaint represent nearly every type of product for sale in Second Life including avatar clothing, skins and shapes, scripted objects, furniture, and […]

Activist Lawsuit Links Target Corp. Website to ADA Requirements

November 1st 2007

Executives of bricks and mortar stores take note. In fact, anyone conducting online commerce should review Judge Marilyn Hall Patel’s opinion in the National Federation of the Blind v. Target Corp. This is the first ruling to suggest that a retailer may be sued if its website is inaccessible to the blind. Until this ruling, […]

Real Business and Law in Virtual Worlds: What’s a Virtual World?

October 31st 2007

Part 1 in a series of 3. Virtual worlds are online environments where people interact with others using graphical representations of themselves called avatars. These avatars can be just about anything, and you can be male or female, tall or short, green or blue. You design what you want, and can change it whenever the […]

Patriots vs. StubHub: Do Anti-Scalping Laws Prevent Beneficial Markets?

October 28th 2007

The case: In November 2006, The New England Patriots sued Ebay’s StubHub claiming they encouraged ticket holders to resell game tickets, contrary to a “ticket holder agreement”. That same month, StubHub countersued claiming that the Patiots were restricting lawful commerce. Last week the Patriots were granted a discovery request forcing StubHub to turn over contact information […]

FFIA Press-Shield Law May Expand Copyright Use As Loophole

October 17th 2007

EFF Civil Liberties Director, Jennifer Granick, provides an excellent review of the Free Flow of Information Act (FFIA). Introduced by Senators Specter, Lugar, and Schumer the bill seeks to establish a federal journalist-shield privilege. The bill provides broad protection to anyone engaged in the regular gathering, writing or publishing of news or other matters of […]

Snitching, Censorship and Spying: You Are the Web 2.0 Scoop

October 16th 2007

Consumer generated content is all the range in the web 2.0 world. It’s now taking a new form as both governments and those who hope to expose governments to greater scrutiny “want to know what you know”. As governments get good at online intelligence, I believe we will find that making censorship and data gathering […]

Trademark Holders Should Now Consider .ASIA Registration

October 14th 2007

This week trademark holders began registering for .ASIA domains. This new top level domain provides regional coverage for 73 countries including Austrialia and New Zeland.  The region has more than 400 million internet users, compared to 320 million in Europe and 230 million in North America. Trademark  holders should pay special attention to this issuance because it […]

Google Files for Dismissal of American Airlines Adwords Trademark Suit

October 14th 2007

Google’s motion is an attempt to scrape away the assorted claims made by American before any stick legally or in public opinion. This article summarizes the complaint, the response, and presents perspectives which may be useful in considering this case.