May 10th 2010
Too many people make the “I’m not good at life” face. But in games, people apply themselves to overcome obstacles and often create alternative better selves. Games like World of Warcraft give players the means to save worlds, and incentive to learn the habits of heroes. What if we could harness this gamer power to […]
May 5th 2010
The cool kids all have apps these days, and Google Analytics has no wish to be the last to the party. Yesterday at the eMetrics Summit (and on the Google Analytics blog), Google announced several additions to its Analytics offerings, including better integration with AdWords and a Google Analytics App Gallery. The Apps Gallery is […]
May 4th 2010
Let’s face it: too many companies know they want all the buzzword benefits of social media, but they initiate without the strategy playbook that would help them win. Arena vs. Playbook Think of social networks as the arenas for performance, with strategy as the playbook. In order to build an “at-scale revenue contributor for business,” […]
April 29th 2010
Get “Officially Good” at Analytics For digital managers, being analytics savvy is as much an executive requirement as financial acumen. Though most management programs don’t focus on web analytics, there is a straightforward way to get a great introduction through the world’s most-used system: Google Analytics. Last year, Google started Conversion University, which provides a comprehensive […]
April 28th 2010
Back in July of 2008 we covered the story of Terry Childs, a network administrator for the City of San Francisco, who was imprisoned after taking sole control of the city’s network. Though services were not interrupted, he locked out the rest of the city’s IT staff from the city’s network. After the Mayor of […]
April 22nd 2010
Digital marketing is different from traditional media channels because it is inherently measurable. All the other great attributes of this channel — user participation, mobility, video, personal networks — are built on top of this quantifiable benefit. Measurability is our medium’s killer app. So why do most organizations and websites fail to use web analytics […]
April 20th 2010
In the cloud, nobody can tell if you’re a web page. In talking with people about the post The Siteless Web and the End of Brand Website Rule: Web 3.0, I found myself suggesting that online visitors will encounter us through three types of experiences: Sites we control: traditional, publishing-based information distribution. Sites others control: […]
April 15th 2010
Online changes seem to happen quickly, but their beginnings are often apparent years in advance. And legal factors provide signals to business about the stability of these new systems. This is an idea I hope we can start to discuss in all the places we talk about the future of the Web. It is from […]
April 12th 2010
This is a story about Eric and Jack, who both blog about the law with an eye on topics that are enlightening, ennobling, or at least entertaining. By now you’ve probably heard about Eric Turkewitz, who wrote an April 1st post in his NY Personal Injury Law Blog announcing he was the new Whitehouse blogger. […]
April 2nd 2010
This Tuesday I had the challenge and opportunity to talk with a team of 20 legal marketers about how online experiences build and validate brands. It was a smart room; I’m glad to have been invited. How Do You Make a Great Page? Since my presentations are illustrations, you may get only the flavor of […]