Amanda Palmer Talks at Ted: The Art of Asking
March 4th 2013
Its no secret that I’m a fan of Amanda Palmer’s performance both on stage and online. Here’s her latest from the Ted conference.
March 4th 2013
Its no secret that I’m a fan of Amanda Palmer’s performance both on stage and online. Here’s her latest from the Ted conference.
June 24th 2012
Amanda Palmer’s Kickstarter triumph is awesome-ball cool, but it’s just the start. The real magic is what you can do with a business model based on fan love.
September 16th 2010
Amanda Palmer discusses how she’s managing her entire music career through the Internet. The event is the #140 conference in Boston. The best of artistry is a “self-making” activity which also creates a new audience. Original acts that move audiences, and creative community, are two things that define her work. To be smart but still […]
August 6th 2010
I was part of a manic panel discussion on sales strategies for a Web 2.0 world. Amidst the usual Rorschach of social media advice were a few killer moments I have to share. Framing Idea: What’s the result of an abundance of information? Attention scarcity. This is what makes insight a premium in the digital […]
December 5th 2008
Naughty or Nice? The recording industry has described the free airplay their songs receive on AM and FM radio as “a form of piracy.” It has sued customers for copying purchased CDs to their own computers, and for selling or simply tossing out unsolicited promotional CDs. In a year in which arguably the best album is […]
September 7th 2008
Wylie Gustafson’s famous Yahoo yodel has been named the first soundmark in India. India defines a trademark as “a mark capable of being represented graphically and which is capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one person to those of others.” Yahoo used musical notation in its application to represent its famous “Yahoo” yodel. […]
August 16th 2008
I’d encourage you to steal Girl Talk’s breakthrough fourth album, but you can’t. It’s pay-what-you-like, so if you like, pay $0.00 to start listening and return to toss in a payment later. Start your download during this golden time before DMCA takedown notices and TROs make this a coveted, though still free, file. Under the name Girl Talk, Greg Gillis creates […]
June 3rd 2008
Its kind of the opposite of, “do unto others”. When Universal Music lost an infringement case to Bridgeport Music, it did an unexpected thing. It apparently made a successful case that punitive damages tacked on to statutory damages are unconstitutional. As a plaintiff, Universal has argued in other cases for very high fines. It is, […]
May 13th 2008
It seems the RIAA is trying a surge of their own by increasing the number of take-down notices to universities, estimated to be up by a factor of 20. According to Wired.com: University of California at Berkeley’s chief information officer Shel Waggener confirmed he’d heard of the spikes and suggested there was a political purpose […]
May 6th 2008
In the court case of Atlantic v. Howell, the judge denied a request of summary judgment against the Howells. The court decision was surprisingly incisive, rejecting the RIAA’s argument that merely leaving copies of copyrighted works in a place where someone might copy them, without any evidence that they did, is a violation. This so-called […]