Plow Me: Its Uber for Snow Removal
February 9th 2013
Hold the phone – the Internet has delivered another slug of civilized goodness: Plow Me. The best web apps change service model design, here’s how Plow Me sets out to do just that.
February 9th 2013
Hold the phone – the Internet has delivered another slug of civilized goodness: Plow Me. The best web apps change service model design, here’s how Plow Me sets out to do just that.
February 6th 2013
Second screen viewers crashed the websites of Super Bowl advertisers and accounted for 3% of viewership of the event. Klout score may rank your use of Twitter, but thanks to its purchase of Bluefin Labs, Twitter will be able to rate the impact of broadcast media and global events among its users.
February 3rd 2013
Bowl advertising is a tough mix to get right. Here are a few ads that I believe could have done better, and some ideas of how some different choices might have flown higher.
February 3rd 2013
Along the way to building brands and inspiring purchases, great ads can also propagate joy, mystery and wonder. That’s no small task, considering you have to grab an audience’s during the spectacle of the Super Bowl. Here are four I’d offer rise to the top.
January 31st 2013
A quick look at revenue growth over three years shows that companies loved by their clients grew more than twice as fast as Super Bowl advertisers.
November 20th 2012
The agenda is 100% made by attendees. The organizers and experts are available for 1:1 meetings. Everyone gets and gives what they want. People who are passionate about innovation become a tribe, and the event is entirely what they make it be. Come inside the benevolent anarchy of Boston’s Innovation Unconference.
November 15th 2012
I’ve proposed hosting a discussion on Expererience Design which is subtitled: Customers Who Give a Damn Make Companies Win — and I’d appreciate it if you could give this a quick vote as a good idea, over here please.
November 11th 2012
Its been a year since I went car-free in Boston. Here are a few thoughts on that, and using Hubway bikes as a way to beat traffic and have fun too.
November 9th 2012
You may recall that I’m a bit of a QR code skeptic. However – here’s an idea that I think lights up an amazing canvas for marketers and consumers. And since its on whiskey bottles, I’m only too eager to help you and test this out.
November 6th 2012
A recent Ad Age article proclaimed that freelancers are a happy and well paid lot, and that they’re a hot new trend on Madison Avenue. However, when you scratch the surface of their research, it’s clear that permanent freelancing brings as much instability to agencies as those stepping-up for extended temporary work.