April 2009

Bogus Research: Social Networking Doesn’t Improve Productivity; Breaks Do

April 8th 2009

A widely reported piece of research from Australian researcher Dr. David Coker suggests people who check social media websites periodically are more productive than those who don’t. Really? What’s next, the salubrious effects of online porn? “People need to zone out for a bit to get back their concentration,” Coker said. “Short and unobtrusive breaks, […]

Terms of Service Accessibility: Legal Terms with a Layman’s Summary

April 7th 2009

Occasionally, one finds a website that does something a little different or a little better than everybody else. Recently, a friend pointed me towards a website whose Terms of Service (ToS ) makes a good-faith effort to explain in layman’s terms what the heck they are talking about. At Aviary.com, an online image editing service, […]

Google Nemesis and The Growing Business of Typosquatting

April 3rd 2009

Do you know what the domain is for Google Books? Those who’d guess the obvious, www.GoogleBooks.com, would unfortunately be wrong.  Instead of finding the real Google Books, they’d arrive at a domain squatter selling tools for joining them in that business and using a Google’s good name in their domain to take revenue from Adwords and […]

EU Examines ‘Customer Profiling’ – Are They Jealous?

April 2nd 2009

The EU has started an investigation into “customer profiling” on the internet. This is where online services and advertisers collect data on anything from preferences to behavior. From a recent article in the Financial Times: Officials say they will collect evidence from consumers and industry on the information commercial websites are collecting and how it […]

April Fools Online Law Quiz: Fiction or Unfortunately Foolish?

April 1st 2009

Can you separate the wheat of fact from the chaff of April First hokum? Some of these are true but foolish stories, and thank goodness others are pure fiction from the twisted minds of our writers. Stimulus Package Spends Millions on Microsoft Office With $20 billion in the bank, one would think that Microsoft could […]